Being consistent with the Stronger Brains program helped me improve upon my abilities in sports. My reaction time is so much better than before I did this program. It can be hard to stay on top of the training schedule, but in the end it is worth it. 

Student | Grade 9


I can’t believe how much my kids have changed. I thought their brains were hardwired in a certain way. This stuff really works! The lying stopped almost overnight and hasn’t come back. It gives me so much hope for his future. 

Parent Coaching Client | Child Age 8


We are so grateful to have you back in our lives. Your positivity, especially at times like this, is just what he needs. Your support gives him confidence and raises him up so he feels like he can achieve. 

Mother | Student Grade 11


Through parent coaching we have been able to teach our child amazing emotional regulation skills. Before coaching he would have screamed at his friend during an argument, now he says things like this, "Valerie, I'm just asking for some space because if we talk right now, I will just say things that hurt your feelings... If I take some space, I can come up with things to say that are kind and helpful to the situation. " He is 9 years old. I know adults who can't articulate their feelings that well. 

Parent | Student Age 9


Oh my goodness! My student is doing so wonderfully. She is staying on top of her work, talking to teachers and using "tiny study habits" to master her material. Even after missing school last week, she ended up being totally on top of everything. I think she is really flourishing. I am so proud of her and all her hard work. Judi, you are really teaching her to be her own coach. She is developing her own “inner coach” voice. Best of all, she's feeling good and so proud of herself. She's owning it!! Thank you 

Parent | Student Grade 9


We have noticed how much more confident she is becoming, and we are so proud of her!  Thank you for all your help!  My husband and I are so grateful and keep saying how having you work with (her) was the best thing we could have done for her (and us!).   

Parents | Student Grade 10


I still cherish our work together. Whenever I return to the tools you shared I always do better. You are such a good executive function coach! 

Adult Client


Thank you for all your help. Our work together made a huge difference for me –  especially in a roller coaster year! You have a special place in my heart! 

Dissertation Student


You’ve helped me immeasurably! 

Adult Client

The study habits you taught me to use make school so much better! I know more Spanish than I have ever known. I finally feel like I am catching up. It’s even easier to participate in class.  

Student | Grade 10

Studying is so much easier now that I do a little every day. It’s not hard, and I understand what is going on in class so much more. It makes me so much more motivated for school.



Judi has been coaching our first grade son to build his executive function skills. He’s calmer, more focused in school, and can even follow directions now.

I also see Judi for parent coaching each week to help me figure out how to best help our son who has ADHD. Sitting down with her each week is like sitting down with an old friend. She’s a great listener and always has helpful strategies with the kids. I never feel judged.  I don’t know what we would have done without her. Our son used to have big meltdowns and now we’ve learned how to communicate with him in difficult times so he stays so much calmer! We enjoy our time with him so much more.

Parent + Parent Coaching Client | Student Grade 1


Our daughter was facing many challenges impairing her academic and personal progress. Finding Judi was a truly life-changing experience. Judi’s comprehensive assessment of the situation and skillful implementation of key strategies provided our daughter with a platform for managing her workload successfully. Watching our daughter transform into a confident, organized and independent young adult was truly awesome. She still uses her “Judi
Strategies” every day!  Judi is incredibly kind, compassionate, patient and gifted at helping each person find her inner capabilities and use these to master any obstacles. Judi is a very special person, and we are forever grateful for her invaluable intervention. She is simply the best!

Parent | High School Student

Judi helped me create structured homework plans through which I learned how to prioritize assignments, plan ahead, and complete my work in a more timely and focused manner. She kept me on track and provided what I needed in a way that still let me feel a sense of self-mastery. Judi is compassionate. She had a cheerful attitude and was always ready with a joke or thoughtful insight when I was feeling overwhelmed.

High School Student


Working with Judi not only helped me with the areas I wanted to focus on - family organization, planning, prioritizing, and follow-through, it helped me recognize and take advantage of my strengths to get things done. She is a great listener and coach, and her suggestions and methods are so practical and doable. I see myself working with Judi again in the future when I face new and different challenges. I think she has really found her calling. Thank you, Judi!

Adult + Parent


"Judi worked with my son during his junior and senior years in high school when it became apparent that he needed help mastering solid organizational skills.  She taught him to set goals and make a step-by-step plan to reach them.  She also helped him develop systems to keep track of his responsibilities and his progress.  Ultimately, she helped him overcome significant time management hurdles and gave him the tools he needed to be successful.  Judi was consistently patient, cheerful, and encouraging with my son and I believe he appreciated her respectful and thoughtful approach to interacting with him." 

Mother | Student Grade 12